Jura & Bytomswap join forces to establish and refine apps on the Blockchain.
We here at JURA have been hard at work on rolling out our testnet, but that doesn’t mean we’ve been toning down on forming great partnerships with cool upcoming projects out there. We’re very pleased to share with everyone here that we’ve recently entered into a collaborative partnership with Bytomswap, a blockchain-based distributed asset trading platform that operates under the Bytom umbrella.

We all know by now that exchanges across the world allow us to trade tokens and currencies. With the next generation of blockchain projects, we’re also seeing trading and valuation of non-traditional assets, such as music and art. Bytomswap takes things one step further by allowing us to trade tokens for securities: futures, derivatives, stocks, etc. So now, instead of opening up your brokerage account in the traditional stock exchange world, we can use blockchain to get you better security, and a highway between cryptocurrencies and liquid assets in general. Pretty cool no?
That’s great, but how do we work together? We know that what really drives a project forward is use cases: final products that allow users to actually leverage the power of blockchain. With that in mind, we’ll be working with Bytomswap to establish and refine apps that run on the JURA network for the everyday user. While we can’t disclose the actual content of these apps right now, this collaboration has us pretty excited, and we’ll let you know all the glorious once they come out. Stay tuned!
As usual, feel free to hit us up on Telegram if you have any questions whatsoever. Peace!
— the JURA team
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